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Charlton Road North

Charlton Road North was originally planned to be a small end to end O gauge layout, two boards 6 feet by 2 feet were constructed and track was bought with the intention of a few small locomotives and small wagons.


As new models have progressed recently in O gauge it was decided that this small end to end layout would not be large enough.


The original boards were put to one side and plans were drawn up for a new layout in the loft, currently housing a large but unfinished N gauge layout around the outside. The N gauge track was lifted and the surface prepared for new track and wiring.

Charlton Road North

Charlton Road North

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Using Peco Streamline points, flexible track and Gaugemaster's Model D-O controller the layout began to take shape.


The layout is now home to a selection of locomotives from Bachmann Dapol, Hattons, Heljan and some Kitbuilt. RTR wagons and coaches from Dapol, Heljan, Hattons and Lionheart and a selection of kitbuilt stock from Peco, Parkside Dundas and Slaters.



Testing the trackwork with Heljan's Class 37

Model U's 3D Printed Figures
Dapol's 64xx Pannier Tank
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